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KEDCO人才 & 创业 Stories – Seeking ways to support local entrepreneurs at every stage of business


Stories of 创业 和 innovation are alive 和 well here in 科修斯科山县. 有着深厚的农业和骨科基础, 还有蓬勃发展的娱乐产业, it’s a community with a rich history of business 构建ing, 还有更多的机会. 和 科修斯科经济发展公司 is seizing an opportunity 从 the state to work with community partners to better support local entrepreneurs.


在2023年末 印第安纳经济发展公司(IEDC) 宣布了一项 飞行员基金 称为社区合作基金, KEDCO was chosen as a grant recipient to implement a Kosciusko-based “创业 Navigator.” Nick Ladig of Digs Advising joined the KEDCO team in December to help assess 和 advance the organizational support for business founders in the area, while working with community 和 business leaders to create a strategy to better equip 和 strengthen the local entrepreneurial community.

“The purpose of the program is to better support 和 grow our local entrepreneurial community,拉迪格说. “In the past month 和 a half, I’ve been listening 和 learning. I’ve met with leaders 从 the public 和 private sectors to better underst和 where our entrepreneurial ecosystem st和s today, how we can work together to 构建 a more impactful startup community for our future.”

“We’re seeking ways to better collaborate 和 take part in the strong regional ecosystem, while identifying resources unique to our local market to best support startups 和 growing businesses here in K-County. The goal is to put a plan in place for supporting 和 fulfilling those needs,拉迪格说.

Ladig is a northeast Indiana native, has a background in 创业, hospitality 和 sales. In 2017, Ladig创立了HT2, a remote tasting room focused on Hotel Tango spirits, 以前位于韦恩堡. 2020年,HT2被成功收购 酒店探戈酒厂(HTD). 最近, Ladig served as chief commercial officer at HTD 和 helped scale the company to become a “Top 100 American Whiskey” br和 before departing to launch Digs Advising, which is focused on helping foster 创业 throughout northeast Indiana.


The goal of CCF is to accelerate entrepreneurial activity 和 resources throughout the State of Indiana. The initial investment is supporting projects focused on entrepreneurial education, 连接, acceleration in 16 communities throughout Indiana.

“We’re looking for ways to better support small businesses 和 create more startup activity, identifying current gaps that exist with supporting entrepreneurs, 构建ing partnerships 和 aligning entrepreneurial support organizations, 提供更多的联系, 指导, 以及当地小企业的增长,拉迪格说.

Ladig will continue conversations with community leaders 和 local entrepreneurs across industries to discover more about needs 和 challenges.


A tidal wave of momentum 和 energy came to the community recently following the 公告即插即用 计划在华沙开设一个新的医疗技术办事处. 从历史上看, startup activity has been more concentrated in large cities 和 often seen to be a “Silicon Valley thing”, 但事实并非如此 成为那样. 和 公告 从 即插即用 is proving that point.   

 即插即用, 一个森尼维耳市, California based leading global start-up accelerator, 选择将华沙(长期以来被称为华沙 世界骨科之都®骨科/医疗技术中心, speaks volumes about the incredible potential ahead for the local entrepreneurial community,” OrthoWorx 首席执行官鲍勃·维图. “With their proven track record of engaging corporate sponsors, 与风险投资界建立联系, 获得高等教育的支持, 为企业家提供装备, the transition already underway to transform traditional orthopedics into the medtech arena should be supercharged 和 lead to all kinds of opportunities ahead for those looking to start businesses 和 helping to grow our community.”

Offerings 从 即插即用 will strengthen 和 complement existing resources for local entrepreneurs 和 should help shed light on potential gaps 和 needs in other areas of the community.

 “We want to support startup activity 和 growth across various industries, that means connecting businesses of all sizes to resources 和 连接s to help them succeed,拉迪格说. “I’m encouraged 和 excited for more conversations with local leaders 和 founders in the coming months. I look forward to figuring out together, how we can connect the dots to make the greatest impact.”

Want to start or grow your business in 科修斯科山县? KEDCO在这里提供帮助. 电邮: info@sh-fyz.com or 574-306-4119. Stay up with events 和 happenings by connecting with KEDCO via 脸谱网, LinkedInInstagram @kosciuskoedc.

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